Well it's 40 years today since the
moon landing, and yours truly was one of the millions across the world, who watched this event on TV in glorious black and white (at age 7).
It was big, so big in fact that the only televised event with more of a world wide impact since was the 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks in 2001. As big as this was however, public interest was fickle and moved on quickly, to the point that by the following year (1970) I remember there were those that initially thought the
Apollo 13 drama was just NASA publicity stunt (which of course it wasn't).
It seems however suspicion of NASA is enduring, as there is still a crackpot minority that choose to believe the
moon landings were faked, in spite of the fact that these conspiracy theories have been thoroughly
debunked. In 2004 the US announced
plans for a manned return to the moon by 2020. It will be interesting to see if these plans become reality, some 51 years after the original landing.