Friday, December 11, 2009

iPod of the 60s

Here's an unexpected bonus I found in the draw of some secondhand furniture I bought a few years ago, a nice AM pocket transistor radio from the early 1960s. This Toshiba model 6P-10 still works, and even has it's original leather cover and earphone.

As a kid I had something similar (c1970), we used to call them "Trannys", but that term seems to have shifted in meaning since.....

Historical note: Transistor radios have been commercially available since the mid 1950s, but did not achieve mass popularity until they became more affordable in the early 60s. For more on classic transistor radios (1954-65) see


  1. I would have loved to live back in the day where everyone sat around the radio for fun!! It must have been surreal to experience something that was like nothing else ever done before!!
    Now days everything's just upgraded and nothing surprises us anymore!
    I wonder what it'd be like for something completely new to just happen!

  2. Hi Trish, yes I agree. Although as much fun as it is to muse on the past (and collect pieces of it), I still think there's plenty of unexpected stuff round the corner ... as the old Chinese curse goes, we "live in interesting times".


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