Friday, May 20, 2011

Locals worth a visit

Happy to say I've finally managed to catch up on a couple of newish local Ballarat venues after months of well meaning intentions.

Firstly the Red Brick Gallery (on the last day of Jessica Bellman's show). Nice gallery & good art, congrats to owners Steph Wallace & Marcia King, hope it goes well.

Secondly the Babushka Bar, where local artist & musician Garth Horsfield has taken over & enhanced this intimate watering hole (formerly the Saloon Bar), to provide a venue for art, alternative music and performance. Congratulations to Garth, here's hoping the venue has a bright future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Creepy 90s Nanna Decore

Came across an example of that creepy decorating fad from the mid to late 1990s the other weekend, a "Time-out Doll". I mean, who wouldn't find the faceless doppelganger of a toddler being subjected to domestic discipline utterly delightful?

Like crying child and clown prints, I've always found these little replica child victims (and the people they appeal too) faintly disturbing.

Above right: 1990s "Timeout doll" (also known as "pouting dolls", "tantrum tots", "corner kids", etc) seen at the Ballarat Mill Market
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